e.g. BARIO/ETH: Shows the trading pair, indicating that BARIO is being traded against ETH in this example.
Pair Address
Token Contract Address (CA)
Token Age
Chain Icon
The icon (e.g., here - Base chain icon) indicates the blockchain network the token is associated with. This helps users quickly identify which chain the token is on, such as Ethereum or Solana.
The star icon on the left allows users to add the token to their watchlist. Clicking the star enables users to track this token more easily and view it in their personalized watchlist.
Here you’ll find links to all of the token’s various social media pages or outlets, potentially including things like Telegram, X/Twitter, Discord or a website.
Token Image
Market Metrics
This Token Overview section gives users quick access to crucial information about the trading pair, market conditions, and any fees, helping them make informed trading decisions.
Shows the current market price of the token in relation to its pair (e.g., $0.004 in ETH). This helps users get an immediate sense of the token’s valuation.
Displays the total liquidity available for the token pair (e.g., $108.78K), reflecting the amount of assets in the pool, which can indicate the ease of trading and stability.
Liquidity is the amount of money (typically WETH or USDC/USDT) put into the Liquidity Pool by the creator of a token.
Lock Icon:
The small lock icon next to the liquidity amount signifies that the liquidity is locked. This means that the assets in the liquidity pool cannot be withdrawn by the token creators or liquidity providers for a specified period, providing an extra layer of security for traders by reducing the risk of a "rug pull."
The Liquidity Lock Icon is an important indicator for users, as it helps to verify that the token’s liquidity is secure, enhancing trust and stability for potential investors or traders.
FDV (Fully Diluted Valuation)
Indicates the token’s market cap if all tokens were in circulation (e.g., $400.36K), providing an estimate of its potential total value.
Shows any applicable buy (on the left) or sell taxes (on the right). informing users of potential fees that may be applied when trading this token.
E.g. here: 6.0% buy tax | 6.1% sell tax
The specific address of the trading pair (here on Uniswap V3 protocol), indicating where liquidity and trading activities for this pair are hosted.
Here you have the CA (contract address) for the BARIO token. Users can view the full address to verify the token’s authenticity or for further blockchain exploration - click on copy icon to copy it into your clipboard.
Displays when the token has been listed (e.g., “2mo” for two months ago).
Displays the token's image (if available), providing visual identification to ensure users are interacting with the correct token.